Thursday, January 18, 2018

Acknowledgement and theory

  • Hermann Minkowski who theorized spacetime.
  • Albert Einstein, a student of Minkowski, who theorized spacetime as malleable at the will of gravity; that light could be bent by gravity.
  • Sir Arthur Eddington who proved the latter; that light is bent by gravity.
  • WD Gann proved the former in his laboratory of the stock market; that spacetime is not only bent by gravity, but is created by the rotation of earth's gravity and by its orbit about the greater but less proximate gravity of the sun.   Market price and time are determined as are all other things and a function of that greater force.
  • Lord Francis Bacon, who encoded the great knowledge and wisdom of his teacher and mentor, John Dee and so many before him, into the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
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Above all else, attribution is given to the First Cause having so ordered all things according to perfect mathematic principle that, once understood, makes prediction possible.  Genesis 1:27.

So blessed by God to see mathematic miracles and receive insights offered to me.

Thirty Three
January 25, 2018